Sources Index
Source S19
Author: John Haythornthwaite, Kirkby Lonsdale
Title: Letter dated 16 May 2001
Sources Index
Source S20
Author: Announcement from James Alan Haythornthwaite
Sources Index
Source S21
Author: Adrian Haythornthwaite
Publication: Name: e-mail 6 Oct 2001;
Sources Index
Source S22
Author: David Haythornthwaite
Publication: Name: e-mail to Peter H 8 Oct 2001;
Sources Index
Source S23
Author: individual contact
Sources Index
Source S24
Title: E-mail
Sources Index
Source S25
Author: The Times Newspaper
Sources Index
Source S26
Publication: Name: Letter;
Sources Index
Source S27
Title: t114a.FTW
Sources Index
Source S28
Author: JC Hitchon
Title: Hitchon Tree A
Sources Index
Source S29
Title: Obituary
Sources Index
Source S30
Title: Copy of Baptismal Certificate
Sources Index
Source S31
Title: Obituary JWH (Victory V)
Publication: Name: Burnley Express & News?;
Sources Index
Source S32
Title: Copy of Adoption Certificate
Sources Index
Source S33
Author: Don Haythornthwaite
Title: Information handed over Oct 2002
Sources Index
Source S34
Author: Peter Kenway Haythornthwaite
Title: Amendments - Sep 2003
Sources Index
Source S35
Author: Bernard AGER
Publication: Name: Letter, 4 May 2001;
Sources Index
Source S36
Author: individual, (him/her)
Sources Index
Source S37
Title: British Census 1881